Hey! Get your tortillas ready as the perfect dip for the tortillas is here! The Nitro Kidney Bean Dip is a perfect sauce for tortilla wraps or any type of wraps. It is also perfect for serving with tortillas or with different vegetable sticks. This creamy dip is extremely delicious and healthy, packed with a huge amount of protein, water, healthy carbs, and other beneficial nutrients.
You can prepare this recipe and store it away for later use, or you can always make this dip fresh and eat it while enjoying it with others. It can be the healthy version of snacks that you can enjoy during your movie night or if you are on a diet as the calories are low, and you can have this dip with the vegetables, which is extremely healthy, low in calories and delicious way to enjoy your movie night.
To make this rich in protein and healthy dip, all you require is some hands-on cooking experience, approximately thirty-five minutes out of which five are for preparation while thirty are for the actual cooking and several pieces of equipment along with a few ingredients and voila, you have your Nitro Kidney Bean Dip ready. The Galaxy Gas Whipped Cream Dispenser is the perfect equipment for making this dip. It provides the dish's perfect consistency, flavor, texture, and color.
This dip is for medium-level cooks and is a great way to connect with your family as you can easily make your teenage kids join in on the cooking session to learn something new and have a fun time cooking with you. So, without further delay, let's learn the short and easiest way to prepare the yummy Nitro Kidney Bean Dip!

Level |
Medium |
Total time for making the recipe |
35 Minutes |
Preparation |
5 Minutes |
Inactive |
None |
Cook time |
30 Minutes |
Yields |
4 Servings |
⦁ Whipped Cream Canister
⦁ Whipped Cream Charger

⦁ 150 grams of full-fat cream cheese
⦁ ½ bunch of cilantro
⦁ 1 piece of shallot
⦁ 150 ml of vegetable stock
⦁ 15 ml of olive oil
⦁ 1 gram of taco seasoning
⦁ 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
⦁ 200 grams of red beans
⦁ 5 ml of lime juice

- To start making this versatile snack or, say, a dip, you must do a few preparations. First, take the shallots and cut them into fine squared pieces, basically finely chop them.
- Then take a pan and add in your olive oil along with the finely chopped shallots and sauté them lightly.
- Add the poultry stock to deglaze the sautéed shallots, and then add your red beans. Cook this mixture, including the red beans, for around five minutes or till the beans turn soft.
- As soon as the red beans soften, pour in tomato purée, cream cheese and lime juice and stir the mixture to incorporate everything properly.
- Season the mixture with spices as per your taste and then stir one last time and switch off the stove.
- Transfer the mixture from the pan to a blender or use a hand blender. Blend everything properly till a fine purée is formed.
- Take a bowl and sieve. Pour the blended purée through the sieve and into the bowl, and if there are any clumps in the sieve, push them with a spatula until they pass the sieve and are completely mashed.
- Take a funnel and place it at the opening of the whipped cream canister and then pour the red kidney bean purée through the funnel and into the whipped cream canister.
- Attach the head of the whipped cream canister and then attach all the other parts, including a single whipped cream cartridge.
- As soon as the gas is released from the whipped cream cartridge, shake the canister sixteen times.
- Do this powerfully so that everything in the whipped cream canister mixes well with each other. Place the canister in a sidewise position inside the fridge and let it rest for one to two hours.
- To serve, take a glass and first shake the canister a few times and then dispense out some dip into the glass then garnish it with some finely chopped onions, tomatoes, coriander leaves and lime juice.
- Serve this glass (or you can also use a small bowl) with taco, cracker, chicory leave or simply take some dip, but the dip in the wrap and enjoy it.

Which one is better, White Kidney Bean or Red Kidney Bean?
You cannot compare these beans as both have unlimited and amazing benefits for the human body. The main difference one can make in both types of kidney beans is their appearance as white kidney beans have a creamy texture, ivory-colored skin, firm skin and a mild flavor; on the other hand, red kidney beans have a red to maroon color and have a more nutty and distinct flavor compared to white kidney beans. This difference in appearance is what makes these beans different from each other.
Does the Whipped Cream Charger make this recipe harmful for our bodies?
No, it does not. We are using nitrous oxide as the whipped cream charger, making this recipe rapidly and providing a rich and creamy taste. If nitrous oxide is consumed in a perfect quantity and not too frequently, it is safe. The reason behind such a statement is simply the air we consume. Around seventy percent of air is a nitrous oxide that we inhale at a specific pressure which makes it safe for our body, but if you use it at different pressure levels, it can be harmful same is the case with this pressurized nitrous oxide captivated in the canister. This nitrous oxide is harmful to the body if used in abundance or inhaled directly from the whipped cream charger as it can cause direct damage due to the high pressure at which it will release, causing instant death of the person.
What are the benefits of using this dip?
This dip is made up of kidney beans which are extremely beneficial for the human body. These beans are rich in protein and are perfect for people who are vegan. The kidney beans are mainly starchy carbs which are around seventy percent of the total kidney beans nutrients, and it is a slow-release carbohydrate that makes it slow to be digested due to amylose present in it. The presence of amylose and kidney beans slow digestion leads to longer digestion which allows a rise in blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for type 2 diabetes patients and keeps you full for a longer time allowing you to promote weight loss. Then it also has fiber which entertains the resistance of starch and plays an important role in managing your weight. Kidney beans are rich in vitamins and minerals. They have iron which is beneficial for the blood, and folate that is highly important during pregnancy. Then it has antioxidants which help with detoxifying the body. These beans also improve control over blood sugar, prevent various cancer, including colon cancer, and support digestive health. These beans also increase the strength and metabolism of the human body. They boost cognitive functions and are great for preventing hair loss or promoting tissue growth and overall visual health.